Word to the Wyes this Week
Dear Parish Friends,
Many thanks for all of your encouragement as we offer weekly in-person and online worship services. Last week all available seating was occupied. If you are planning to join us for in-person worship this Sunday, please bring folding lawn chairs as we again gather at 9 am for Holy Communion at Old Wye in the meadow across the bridge surrounding the Celtic cross.
If you intend to join us in-person this Sunday, please click on the Covenant for Regathering. As you enter the worship space you will be requested to sign this covenant indicating you understand and agree with the protocols and guidelines for in-person worship services. It will be nice to gather together in-person and online.
Birthday prayers and blessings to Jean Peterson, Marion Leaverton, Douglas Hodges, Rhys Thomas and George Thomas.
Warmest regards in Christ, Reverend Charlie.
An Order of Worship for the Evening on Ascension Day – May 21st at 5 pm – live broadcast from Old Wye Church
Please join us on Facebook Sunday morning at 10 am.
View the Sunday Morning, 9am service bulletin
Convenant for Regathering in-person worship
The Offering Plate
Thank you for your continuing support for our Parish. On-line, mailed or hand delivered, these offerings are greatly appreciated. The offering plate connects you to the Wye Parish on-line giving page. You may also make an offering by clicking the Donate button on the Wye Parish Website or a Word-to-the-Wyes email.
St. Luke’s Chapel
What is that on the front steps of St. Luke’s? You get credit for a correct answer if you said, “The thing that goes on top of the St. Luke’s Steeple.” You are a “show off” if you said, “It is the finial that goes on top of the St. Luke’s Steeple”. The purpose of my quiz is to preface an update to the funds status for restoring the St. Luke’s steeple. As I mentioned in my earlier note, generous gifts have given us a great start to the $70,000 needed to resume work, but we remain almost $20,000 short of the amount needed to proceed.
Haven Ministries Update
An Update from Haven Ministries Krista Pettit, Executive Director
I want to inform you of Haven Ministries’ exciting future plans to establish a Haven Ministries Headquarters which will include a new location for our Resource Center AND food pantry.
As an organization, we seek to serve God’s children with excellence in a loving and dignified manner. To that end, we have decided to reformat our food pantries from large, one-day monthly events to a more personal approach following a daily “store”-type of distribution model. This will allow folks to shop at a time convenient for them for what they need (each customer is welcome to attend the food pantry twice a month) without standing in long lines or wondering how they will get off work in time. This format also gives Haven Ministries’ staff and volunteers more time to develop relationships and connect people to area resources including other food pantries. Our Resource Center will be moved from Centreville to the same property as the food pantry. The Headquarters with the Resource Center and Food Pantry will be open Monday, Wednesday-Friday 8:30–4:30 and Tuesday 7 am-7 pm. The new location is 206 Del Rhodes Avenue, Queenstown, MD 21658.
The opening date at the new location is Monday, July 13, 2020.
The Maryland Food Bank, as well as County agencies and leaders, including the Emergency Operations Center Food Sustainability Sub-Committee, are excited to support this new model of providing food resources to Maryland residents in need and will be promoting this model as a best practice statewide.