Christmas Choir
Sing a song of Christmas! Do you love Christmas music? Are you able to carry small notes across the sanctuary? Then we would love to have you join us as we prepare music for our Lessons and Carols Service on Sunday morning, December 18. From now until then, we will be focusing a lot of our rehearsal time on that music. If you are interested in joining us for the season, please come to rehearsals on Wednesdays at St. Luke’s at 7:30 pm. (Our regular choir rehearsal begins at 7:00 but we will start our rehearsal of Christmas music at 7:30.) If you have any questions, give me a call, text, or email. We would love to have you as part of our Christmas choir during this joyous season. Carolyn Cutler (352-455-3353) [email protected]
Getting Involved through singing with Wye Parish.
Well known for his sacred choral compositions, British conductor John Rutter is quoted as saying that choral music is essential.
“Choral music is not one of life’s frills. It’s something that goes to the very heart of our humanity, our sense of community, and our souls. You express, when you sing, your soul in song.”
During this unfortunate time of being deemed non-essential, I have found it difficult to navigate the frustrations of lost time with my choirs. In fact, whether conducting for big or small choirs, all directors have felt this deep and profound loss. Singers have told me they have as well. The power of “breathing in synchrony with others”, allowing your “breath flow to strengthen alongside” your fellow chorus members, “increasing the speed when reaching a powerful moment” in a piece of sacred music and “ebbing as the mood softens” all describe poignant moments in every choral singers’ memories.
The time will soon be upon us when we can gather again in increasing numbers and singing – we should be ready. We will again have opportunities to prepare for holiday services, Sunday morning services as well as special occasions. The votes have been tallied and the results are in, whether a researcher at Oxford University in Psychology or a layperson in a small congregation in a neighboring town’s choir, we know that group singing creates mental and physical health benefits. These benefits come to us through the peace and calm from increased breath use, better balance and increased muscle strength from improved posture, joy from assimilated and expressed uplifting sacred and religious texts.
At Wye Parish, we endeavor to bring back familiar tunes to sooth and newer music to inspire. We wish for the newly-indoctrinated along with the well-versed singers to join their voices with us as we gather again in unity and joy through religious and sacred song.
Lay Ministry Opportunities at Wye Parish
There are a number of positions for the Laity to serve and participate at Church Services at Wye Parish. All positions require the approval of the Pastor, and or the Diocese and some require a license approved by the Bishop. They also require that a person be Confirmed or Received within the Episcopal Church.
Lay Reader: Reads the scriptures assigned by the Clergy in charge of the congregation, at Prayer Services or Holy Communion. No license required, just the approval of the pastor
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Person licensed to administer the elements of bread and wine at any Celebration of Holy Eucharist, in the absence of a sufficient number of Priests or Deacons assisting the celebrant. This ministry is to be performed under the direction of the Bishop and of the Member of the Clergy in charge of the Congregation.
Lay Worship Leader: Person licensed and certified to officiate at worship services, as authorized by the rubrics and other directions of The Book of Common Prayer. This person also performs the duties of the Lay Reader, listed above. This ministry is to be performed under the direction of the Bishop and of the Member of the Clergy in charge of the Congregation.
Other Lay Positions within the Episcopal Church but not currently active at Wye Parish are Lay Eucharistic Visitor and Lay Preacher.
Currently we have four Worship Leaders who also serve as Eucharistic Ministers within Wye Parish. If you have any questions or would like to consider one of these positions, please feel free to contact Rick Culotta (410-829-3129 / [email protected]) or Rev. Charlie Osberger (410-827-8484 /[email protected])
Acolyte: Person, usually a youth or of younger age, who assists the Priest or Worship Leader at church services. They also serve as representatives of the congregation at the altar, during church services. We currently only have two Acolytes and we are always in welcoming need of more, as they tend to grow out of the position. Please contact Rev. Charlie Osberger if you know of anyone who would like to serve as an Acolyte.
Join Us for Sunday Worship & Fellowship
Each Sunday after services, all worshipers and their families are invited to a period of fellowship. Parishioners and guests gather together both to hear the Word of God taught during the service and to strengthen each other through fellowship after the service is concluded. During fellowship, our conversations with our spiritual brothers and sisters and the encouragement we share is beneficial to us, can help others and is pleasing to God.
The importance of fellowship in our lives is expressed in the bible. “Consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).
At our fellowship gatherings, you’ll find our coffee station, snacks and a mix of people that are welcoming and conversing in the parish hall or the courtyard. All is welcome!