Wye Parish – an active Episcopal Parish in the Diocese of Easton, Maryland with two locations serving mid-shore communities in Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties. Although composed of two churches, Wye Parish is one church family with one rector, one vestry (governing body), one ECW group (Episcopal Church Women), and one Sunday school. Connect with us; we offer worship services, music, events and opportunities to learn and grow.
Upcoming Events at Wye Parish
The 22nd Annual Wye Parish Books Café
Ten Sale Days in 2025@!
Every Friday and Saturday from Jan. 31st thru March 1st – 10 am to 5 pm at St. Luke’s Chapel Parish Hall, Queenstown, MD Main and Dudley Streets
Over 25,000 books, most at 90% off the cover price.
Hardcover & Softcover Fiction ☻ Children’s & Teen Books ☻ History ☻ Military History ☻ Art/Music/Film ☻ Mysteries ☻ F&SF☻ Animals ☻ Home & Garden ☻ Cooking ☻ Outdoors ☻ Local & Regional ☻ Gift Books ☻ Old & Rare ☻ Much More!
Continuous re-stocking of books throughout the sale
Stay for a light lunch and baked goods, take-out available – it puts the café in Books Café. Call 410-827-8484 for information, updates