Word to the Wyes – September 2022
A Prayer for Our Nation for September 11th
We pray for our nation as a whole this September 11th. It is still something we share as a people: it is a reminder of how fragile and precious life truly is. Lord, we pray for peace and unity in our nation today. We pray that Your Spirit would pour out among us and that through and by You, there would be a common heart, a common goal, and a common desire for peace and kindness towards one another. Let us not lose sight of what is important in this life and help us love one another as You truly love us. Lord, we pray for our leaders today. We pray that You would give them wisdom and discernment as they tackle events and dilemmas as they unfold. We pray that You would inspire this nation to be a nation under God, one that seeks to glorify, honor, and praise You. This is our heart’s desire, Lord. We desire to be Your people, and we strive to have peace. This nation has so much to offer, and Lord, we pray for our nation to truly be a City on a Hill. In Jesus Name. Amen.
News on the Fall Worship Schedule
The Vestry is pleased to announce that our former bishop, The Rt. Rev. Bud Shand and The Rev. Hector Rodriguez will be serving us on a rotating basis through the end of the year. We look forward to welcoming them to Wye Parish and are grateful for their willingness to help us through our transition.
From the Vestry
The Vestry is committed to involving the entire parish in the transition to new clergy. To that end you will be invited to join a small group gathering. Invitations will be coming soon.
Date and time to be forthcoming.
Flowers for the Altar
If you would like to give flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details an to to reserve a date.
Crafting for the Christmas Bazaar
Join us on Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm (with lunch) at the Old Wye Parish House for crafting and conversation until about noon, and we fellowship over a delicious lunch. Learn how to make cork Christmas trees. All are welcome. Come join us when you can!
Have a blessed, safe and healthy week!
Sharon for ECW
From the 300th Anniversary Committee
Docents are needed to assist with
tours of Old Wye Church in early October.
Training will be provided.
Please contact Tom Radcliffe for more information.
410-758-7292 or [email protected]
300th Anniversary Mug
Place your order now!! for the official salt-glazed 300th anniversary mug from the 300th Anniversary Committee. The first order of 20 mugs, which were available at the May Fair, has sold and a second order has now arrived.
Call the parish office at 410-827-8484 to arrange payment and pickup of your mug or email [email protected].
Reserve your mug now – a third order has been placed – Only $16 per mug.
You’re Invited!…
Haven Ministries Annual
Golf Tournament
Friday, September 23, 2022
Queenstown Harbor
Greens Fee $250
Foursome $800
Golf package includes:
Greens fee, cart, breakfast, lunch & unlimited assorted beverages on the course
Awards Ceremony with prizes for 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Longest Drive (Men & Women) & Closest to the Pin (Men & Women)
Haven Ministries Emergency Food Ministry
Donations of non-perishable food are warmly accepted for the Haven Ministries Emergency Food Pantry. Food donation boxes are located at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church. The Food Pantry at Haven Ministries is open for daily distribution year round.
Please direct people to call 410-827-7194 for an appointment prior to visiting.
The Offering Plate
We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.