Word to the Wyes – November 2022
This Sunday, November 27, 2022
First Sunday of Advent
One All-Parish Service
9:00 am Holy Communion – Old Wye Church
Children’s Worship
This Sunday we welcome Reverend Patricia Kuhns as our celebrant and preacher and Sharon Butler as our worship leader.
Birthday blessings to Peggy Walbert, Jane Jenkins, and Don Regenhardt. Anniversary blessings to Charlie and Frieda on their third anniversary.
The greens on the altar this Sunday are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Janet Trimble who passed away on November 25, 2021 .
Sing a song of Christmas! Do you love Christmas music? Are you able to carry small notes across the sanctuary? It’s not too late to join us as we prepare music for our Lessons and Carols Service on Sunday morning, December 18. If you are interested in joining us for the season, please come to rehearsals on Wednesdays at St. Luke’s at 7:00 pm. There is no rehearsal on Wednesday, November 23 but we will resume on November 30. If you have any questions, give me a call, text, or email. We would love to have you as part of our Christmas choir during this joyous season. Carolyn Cutler (352-455-3353) [email protected]

Christmas Poinsettia
Please complete the form in this week’s bulletin if you wish to donate Poinsettia for the Christmas services in memory or in honor of someone special.
Sunday School Schedule for November and December:
November 27

December 11
December 18
Children Christmas Shopping

Saint Luke’s Chapel, 7208 Main Street, Queenstown MD 21658
December 3
9 AM till 1 PM
St Luke’s is inviting all Elementary aged children to come and SHOP.Lots of donated items the children can choose from to find a gift for Mom, Dad, Grandmom, Pop, Aunts, Uncles and friends too. Prices range from 25¢ to $5.00. Help is available for those who can not read their shopping list that Mom or Dad has prepared. Children will have help wrapping and tagging all their purchases after shopping.

Queen Anne’s Chorale
Christmas Concert
Peace & Harmony
A Musical Celebration of the Season
December 3rd at 7 pm
December 4th at 3 pm
Centreville United Methodist Church
Tickets $20
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Please join us at the Garfield Center for the Arts (located in Chestertown) on December 3 at 8PM.
Call or email Mary Julie if interested. 410.310.3577 [email protected]

Place your order now!! for the official salt-glazed 300th anniversary mug from the 300th Anniversary Committee. The first order of 20 mugs, which were available at the May Fair, has sold and a second order has now arrived.
Call the parish office at 410-827-8484 to arrange payment and pickup of your mug or email [email protected].
Reserve your mug now – a third order has been placed – Only $16 per mug.

Haven Ministries shelter has opened its door as of October 1.
The shelter is located at Kent Island United Methodist Church, 1935 Harbor Drive, Chester MD 21619
Haven Ministries schedule is out for October and November.
If you are willing to supply a meal on December 15
Please reach out to Mary Julie. 410.310.3577
The shelter is currently hosting 9 persons.
We are also looking for a volunteer for the night shift. 6 PM till midnight.
December 11. This person will help serve food and
remain at the shelter till 12 AM.
Many thanks to all for being a team player representing our Church,
and supporting Haven Ministries.
If you can help, please call Mary Julie. 410-310-3577

Our Daily Thread located at 1521 Postal Road
in Stevensville MD 21666 is accepting fall and winter clothing donations.
Drops offs can me made Monday – Saturday 10-4 PM.
If you would like to arrange for a pick up, call Mary Julie 410-310-3577

Please remember to shop and donate your unwanted furniture to
Hope Warehouse 6527 Friels Road, Queenstown, 21658
( located behind the outlets) hours are Wed- Sat 10-4PM.
All profits from both stores 100% support Haven Ministries.

Please direct people to call 410-827-7194 for an appointment prior to visiting.

Flowers for the Altar
If you would like to give flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details and to to reserve a date.

We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Wye Parish Ministry Calendar
- Sun. Nov 27 – 9 am All-Parish Holy Communion at Old Wye Church
- Wed. Nov 30 – 7 pm Choir Practice at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Wed. Nov 30 – 10 am ECW monthly meeting Old Wye Library
- Thu. Dec 1 – Set up for Children’s Shopping at St. Luke’s Parish
- Sat. Dec 3 – 9 am Children’s Shopping at St. Luke’s Parish
- Sun. Dec 4 – 9 am All-Parish Holy Communion at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Wed. Dec 7 – 7 pm Choir Practice at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Sun. Dec 11 – 9 am All-Parish Holy Communion at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Wed. Dec 14 – 7 pm Choir Practice at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Sun. Dec 18 – 9 am All-Parish Lessons and Carols at Old Wye Church
- Wed. Dec 21 – 7 pm Choir Practice at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Sat. Dec 24 – 5 pm Christmas Eve Family Communion at St. Luke’s Chapel
- Sat. Dec 24 – 10 pm Christmas Eve Holy Communion at Old Wye Church