Word to the Wyes – May 2023
Come Celebrate with Bishop Shand
and the ECW!
Sunday, May 21st is our last Sunday with Bishop Shand as our celebrant. Following the service will be the annual ECW luncheon to celebrate all of their accomplishments over the past year and to thank Bishop Shand for dedicated service to us since October. All are invited. Please join us.
A Message from Carolyn Cutler, our Choral Music Director
To the Wonderful folks of Wye Parish
It has been my privilege to serve as your choir director for the past couple of years. However, a new opportunity has come along that I think will work better for me logistically. I have accepted a position in Easton (within walking distance from my apartment.) My last Sunday with you will be May 21st.
My time working with the people of Wye Parish has been a delight and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. I will miss you all and pray that God will continue to direct you as you search for a new rector and make decisions about the future direction of the parish.
Carolyn Cutler
Children’s Corner

Join us for Sunday School on Sunday, May 28th at Old Wye Church. Miss Lauren, Miss Sarah, Miss Linda and Miss Bibi look forward to seeing children of all ages. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Miss Bibi at (410)570-2023 or send an email to [email protected].

QRF is a new 501C-3 nonprofit developed by Erik Peterson, USMC, Caroline Co. Sheriff’s Office (ret), and the son of members Jean & Bill Peterson.
QRF was created by Erik for volunteer first responders to assist victims of disasters in the Mid-Atlantic Region. They will ride into the areas affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, flood, fire and building collapse, or wherever needed. They will also be engaged in a local mission in concert with local law enforcement to respond to Silver Alerts, Amber Alerts, Autism walk-offs, Evidence Searches and locating missing children. In addition, a former narcotics officer on staff will present educational programs on the dangers of drugs in our communities.
Now in launch phase, QRF needs our support, through donation of items needed for disaster victims in shelters, and for equipment to aid in search and rescue on disaster sites. Boxes will be available in both our churches. Please take a few moments to check out the QRF web site to learn more.
Flowers for the Altar

If you would like to give flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details and to to reserve a date.

Donations of non-perishable food are warmly accepted for the Haven Ministries Emergency Food Pantry. Food donation boxes are located at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church. The Food Pantry at Haven Ministries is open for daily distribution year round.
Please direct people to call 410-827-7194 for an appointment prior to visiting.
Please remember to shop and donate your unwanted furniture to
Hope Warehouse 6527 Friels Road, Queenstown, 21658
(located behind the outlets) hours are Wed- Sat 10-4PM.
All profits from both stores 100% support Haven Ministries.
Our Daily Thread located at 1521 Postal Road in Stevensville MD 21666 is accepting clothing donations. Drops offs can me made Monday – Saturday 10-4 PM. If you would like to arrange for a pick up, call Mary Julie 410-310-3577
The Offering Plate

We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.