Word to the Wyes – June 2023
Welcome Charlotte
We welcome Charlotte Meyer, Seminarian in Residence for the months of June, July and August.
Charlotte will serve as Officiant and Preacher and some services
and as Worship Leaders at services for which we have a Supply Priest.
We enjoyed a full house at St. Luke’s Chapel last Sunday! Thank you, Mary Julie and Debbie Dean for the delicious treats at coffee hour. In last week’s sermon we reflected on the Trinity and in this case, three persons add up to one marvelous and divine essence. We acknowledged that the Trinity concept is hard to understand and that continuing to think about it and what God is up to in the scriptures and in our lives is what makes us all Theologians.
The lectionary for June 11 is loaded with important messages that are woven throughout Sunday’s scripture readings. So many sermons to preach in here – and yet my commitment to you will be to pick just one and to keep it to 10 minutes or less. Promise. The underlying message in all three readings is “Be faithful no matter what, love the Lord our God, and trust that is enough to make us right with God.”
Did you ever wonder how sermons are developed? It is a fascinating process called homiletics and it is designed to deepen the faith leader’s connection with scripture so they can better interpret readings in a way that has meaning for every member of the congregation. This is achieved through research, word study, prayer, reflection and help from the Holy Spirit. Did you know there is a distinction between sermon and homily? A homily refers to further clarification or explanation of scripture. For example, the reference to “flute players and a commotion” outside the synagogue leader’s home in Matthew 9:23 is referencing a common funerial rite. A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject. You may recall my emphasizing that Wye Parish has a “commission” as clear as the one given by Jesus to the disciples, to continually explore what that means for us and our community. See you Sunday!
Children’s Corner
Join us for Sunday School this Sunday, June 11th at St. Luke’s Chapel. Miss Lauren, Miss Sarah, Miss Linda and Miss Bibi look forward to seeing children of all ages. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Miss Bibi.
Children’s Chorus of Maryland Concert at Old Wye Church

Monday, June 19, 2023, 6 pm
The Children’s Chorus of Maryland will close its 47th season with a special concert of choral music at Old Wye Church, 14114 Old Wye Mills Rd, Wye Mills, MD 21679, on Monday, June 19, at 6:00 PM. This concert is free and open to the public.
Singers between the ages of 10-18, representing the organization’s intermediate and advanced choirs will combine to offer a concert of its season’s favorites, including some works from its April program, Dream. That program included works about dreams of purpose, dreams of a better world for all, dreams for the future that provoke thought and call us to reflect deeply and hopefully act for the good of all. Featuring works by William Byrd, Thomas Morley, David Brunner, B.E. Boykin, Ysaye Barnwell, Bob Chilcott, Rollo Dilworth, and Corin Overland, with a few surprises as well!
In its 47th year, Children’s Chorus of Maryland and School of Music (CCM), based in Towson, is a comprehensive program for choral music education and performance for children. Children’s Chorus of Maryland welcomes families whose children attend public, private and parochial schools as well as those who are homeschooled.
After the concert join us for a Penne Pasta & Meatball dinner in the parish house.
Penne Pasta & Meatballs, Old Wye Parish House
Monday, June 19, 2023
Italian Penne Pasta & Meatball Dinner

in Old Wye Parish Hall
at 7pm on June 19, 2023.
also included for $5.00 per person –
Garlic bread & rolls,
Greens & Vegetable Salad, Italian homemade Cookies.
(children 5 yrs old & younger -Free)
Refreshments for the month of June

June 4 – Mary Julie and Debbie Dean
June 11 – Sharon Butler and Tricia Anthony
June 18 -Valerie Dryka and Liguori Tewes
June 25 – Anne Goodman and Karen Culotta
Thank you, ladies, for volunteering to supply refreshments.

QRF is a new 501C-3 nonprofit developed by Erik Peterson, USMC, Caroline Co. Sheriff’s Office (ret), and the son of members Jean & Bill Peterson.
QRF was created by Erik for volunteer first responders to assist victims of disasters in the Mid-Atlantic Region. They will ride into the areas affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, flood, fire and building collapse, or wherever needed. They will also be engaged in a local mission in concert with local law enforcement to respond to Silver Alerts, Amber Alerts, Autism walk-offs, Evidence Searches and locating missing children. In addition, a former narcotics officer on staff will present educational programs on the dangers of drugs in our communities.
Now in launch phase, QRF needs our support, through donation of items needed for disaster victims in shelters, and for equipment to aid in search and rescue on disaster sites. Boxes will be available in both our churches. Please take a few moments to check out the QRF web site to learn more.
Flowers for the Altar

If you would like to give flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details and to to reserve a date.

Donations of non-perishable food are warmly accepted for the Haven Ministries Emergency Food Pantry. Food donation boxes are located at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church. The Food Pantry at Haven Ministries is open for daily distribution year round. Please direct people to call 410-827-7194 for an appointment prior to visiting.

Hope Warehouse 6527 Friels Road, Queenstown, 21658
(located behind the outlets) hours are Wed- Sat 10-4PM.
All profits from both stores 100% support Haven Ministries.
Our Daily Thread
located at 1521 Postal Road in Stevensville MD 21666 is accepting clothing donations. Drops offs can me made Monday – Saturday 10-4 PM. Call if you would like to arrange for a pick up.

We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click the Donate button to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.