A Labor Day Meditation from Rev. Betty
As we prepare for the long Labor Day Weekend marking the end of summer, return to school and our “normal” routines, I wonder what labor goes unnoticed and un-blessed. Who made sure that the Amazon order I needed for my vacation was packaged and delivered to me the very next day? And who dealt with the excess trash from my last-minute purchase? Who takes care of our elders in places few of us visit? How many hands are involved in making sure my medications are always in stock and delivered on time? How many unnoticed workers ensure the grocery store is well stocked with fresh produce for my daily salad?
There are many who labor shouldering responsibilities at home or work (or both!) for which they receive little recognition. Perhaps some in our own parish are among them. Bless you and the work you do. May you, and everyone who does essential but unseen labor, feel seen by God through the prayers of our church family this week, and every week. Amen.
Refreshments for August at St. Luke’s Chapel
August 4 – Ann Goodman
August 11 – Liguori Tewes
August 18 – Barbara Perry
August 25 – Suzanne Sheahan & Connie Cole
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to provide refreshments for St. Luke’s Chapel in August.
Revised Psalm Study – ALL ARE INVITED!
All are warmly invited to join us at 10 a.m. in the Wye Parish library as we discuss and reflect on the psalm for the following Sunday’s worship service. During summer months, the group will meet just one day each month.
Crafting Days Announced
Come join the ladies of Wye Parish as they make craft items
for the Christmas Bazaar
Old Wye Church Parish Hall on:
Tuesday, September 10 at 10:00 a.m. – bring your lunch and a drink
Wednesday, September 11 at 10:00 a.m. – bring your lunch and a drink
Bring a craft you would like to work on.
Be on the Lookout for Phishing Emails & Scammers
Currently, there is a phishing email going around the Diocese that looks like it is coming from Bishop San requesting Apple gift cards and for you to send photos of the bar codes from the back of the gift cards to them.
If you have already received one of these emails please do not respond!!
If the email contains any embedded links, please do not click on them.
Bishop San and our clergy will never contact you for money, gift cards or other items.
We want to remind our members to keep an eye out for potential scammers. They may try and solicit these items via phone call, text or email. Be sure to check the source of where a message has originated and always call the office (410-822-1919) if you are ever in doubt.
Haven Ministries has a new mission statement
“Haven Ministries is a faith-based organization whose staff and hundreds of volunteers are dedicated to fighting hunger and homelessness in our community. We offer immediate and long-term assistance to families and individuals experiencing hardship by partnering with businesses, organizations, individuals, and churches to feed, clothe, shelter educate and support those in need.”
July Activities Report
July Haven Ministries food pantry fed 1223 persons, 420 Children, 612 Adults and 191 Seniors.
Safeway donated 2615 pounds of food, Target 6272.5 pounds, Food Lion 1711 pounds and Friels Canning 261 to the pantry.
In the month of July, Food Pantry usage was pretty steady, with the individuals benefitting from the pantry going from 1,213 people in June to a slight increase of 1,223 people in July. Just 3 years ago in 2021 we had 164 visits during the month of July, up to 210 in 2022, raising to 275 visits in July 2023, and finally with an increase of just more than 100, we finished out with 376 visits in July 2024. Looking at individuals, the numbers have increased significantly as well, going from 525 individuals benefitting from our food pantry in July 2021, to an astonishing 1,171 individuals just 3 years later. Every year we have seen significant growth, and with the amount of new applicants we sign up weekly.
We did see a significant increase in donations this month, going from 11,765lbs received in June, to 15,074lbs received in July. If you refer to the information above, you will see that the majority of our donations come from our corporate partners(Food Lion, Safeway, and Target, with the latter being the largest contributor). The next largest contributors in the month of July were the individual donors, and then the Maryland Food Bank.
Shelter Activity
13 calls for shelter/referred to other shelters and programs
1 emergency hotel stay
Total 14 clients ( 6 Adults and 8 Children)
Current & Future
Currently in the month of August, we are participating in the Queen Anne’s County 4H Fair as a way to highlight Haven Ministries and let people know how they can help, and what we have to offer. Looking ahead, we are working on securing a partnership with multiple Dollar General stores, through the Retail Recovery program at the Maryland Food Bank. Ideally, this will give us more shelf stable donations to help fill our shelves. Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Quick Reaction Force, Inc. (QRF)
Maryland Tornado Relief Update:
7 confirmed tornadoes, 5 in Maryland, 1 in West Virginia, 1 in Virginia, with perhaps the worst damage being in the Gaithersburg, Maryland area where QRF deployed to assist. It was an honor to respond to the need of those in the path of extensive damage in Gaithersburg Maryland, and provide some assistance to so many families devastated by last night’s rash of tornadoes that ran through Maryland. We were able to offer some clean up assistance and more importantly work together not only with victims we could assist on scene and monetarily but also have meaningful contact with so many neighbors, police, town works crews, lineman, restoration experts and even some City Council members on foot…. All pulling together to start the recovery process for Montgomery County. Good stuff !
Wye Parish Parishioners, QRF needs our support, through donation of items needed for disaster victims in shelters, and for equipment to aid in search and rescue on disaster sites. Boxes are available in both our churches. Please take a few moments to check out the QRF web site to learn more. See www.quickreactionforceinc.org.
Flowers for the Altar
If you would like to reserve a Sunday to give altar flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details or to reserve a date.