Word to the Wyes August 2023
Wye Parish Spiritual Support Ministry
Four Wednesdays
August 16 and 30 at St. Luke’s Parish Hall
September 13 and 27 at Old Wye Parish Hall
10:00am – 11:30am
Where would you go if you needed spiritual support and comfort for a temporary or an ongoing life situation? Would you value a time for solace and prayer in an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality? You may be experiencing an illness; bereavement over the loss of a family member, friend, or a pet; an unresolved anger or forgiveness issue, just to name a few. Perhaps you’re not presently in need yourself but are interested in learning ways to become a more effective companion for someone you love in need of spiritual health, hope and healing.
Wye Parish is now offering such a spiritual support ministry facilitated by Heather Strang and Francie Thayer, spiritual directors from The Retreat House, headquartered in Chestertown. Learn more about the Retreat House on their webpage https://retreathousehillsboro.org/ or click on their logo above.
For more information please contact Sharon Butler at [email protected]. Your questions and response are very helpful in planning the direction of the program. Help us build this ministry by attending one or all sessions. Our hope is to continue as a group once the initial sessions are completed.
What’s New at Old Wye?
Eagle Scout candidate Matt Svehla, pictured with his granddad and Rick Culotta, recently completed a brochure holder in the shape of the Wye Church to hold Old Wye Church walking tour brochures. The goal is to keep the brochures dry, which was not always accomplished by the former brochure holders. Matt is a senior at Easton High School, a member of Easton Troop 532, BSA, a flight commander in the Civil Air Patrol, a member of the US Air Force ROTC, a member of the Easton High wrestling team and on the trail to Eagle Scout. We thank him for his donation to the churchyard and wish him luck in his senior year and beyond.
Flowers for the Altar
If you would like to give flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details and to reserve a date.
The Offering Plate
We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Introducing: Quick Reaction Force, Inc. (QRF)
QRF is a new 501C-3 nonprofit developed by Erik Peterson, USMC, Caroline Co. Sheriff’s Office (ret), and the son of members Jean & Bill Peterson.
QRF was created by Erik for volunteer first responders to assist victims of disasters in the Mid-Atlantic Region. They will ride into the areas affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, flood, fire and building collapse, or wherever needed. They will also be engaged in a local mission in concert with local law enforcement to respond to Silver Alerts, Amber Alerts, Autism walk-offs, Evidence Searches and locating missing children. In addition, a former narcotics officer on staff will present educational programs on the dangers of drugs in our communities.
Now in launch phase, QRF needs our support, through donation of items needed for disaster victims in shelters, and for equipment to aid in search and rescue on disaster sites. Boxes will be available in both our churches. Please take a few moments to check out the QRF web site to learn more. Click on the QRF logo or search www.quickreactionforceinc.org
Below is an update on the recent activity of the Quick Reaction Force.
We appreciate the interest of the Parish in backing efforts to assist neighbors in times of trouble and duress.
QRF – Recent Activity (Deployments for Assistance) These were either multi-day in person deployments or monetary donations.
#1 Bridgeville Delmarva – assistance in clearing debris and searching rubble tornado area
#2 Greenwood Delmarva -tornado assistance and delivery of needed items for affected victims
#3 Silver City Mississippi – tornado assistance
#4 Rolling Fork Mississippi – tornado assistance
#5 Glenallen MO – tornado assistance
#6 Virginia Beach – tornado assistance and delivery of needed items for affected victims
#7 Perryton TX – tornado assistance
#8 Tilghman Island Delmarva – assistance for recovery after significant damage from 80 MPH + windstorm.
In addition, QRF has recently participated in the following:
- CEO Erik Peterson named as VFW Chairman of Natural Disaster Relief
- Unattended Veteran Burials – Attended burial services to show respect for veterans with no next of kin
- Placed flags on graves of Veterans in Dorchester CO
Thank you, Wye Parish! Please consider continued help as we approach true hurricane and tornado season. Donations, either monetary through the website, or of items for the victims in temporary shelters as described in the list below are gratefully received. Donated funds are 100% for disaster response.
Support Haven Ministries
Donations of non-perishable food are warmly accepted for the Haven Ministries Emergency Food Pantry. Food donation boxes are located at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church. The Food Pantry at Haven Ministries is open for daily distribution year round.
Please direct people to call 410-827-7194 for an appointment prior to visiting.
Please remember to shop and donate your unwanted furniture to
Hope Warehouse 6527 Friels Road, Queenstown, 21658
(located behind the outlets) hours are Wed- Sat 10-4PM.
All profits from both stores 100% support Haven Ministries.
Our Daily Thread located at 1521 Postal Road in Stevensville MD 21666 is accepting clothing donations. Drops offs can me made Monday – Saturday 10-4 PM. If you would like to arrange for a pick up, call Mary Julie 410-310-3577
Click on the logo above for the Haven Ministries website.