Refreshments for April at St. Luke’s Chapel
April 7 – Connie Cole, MaryJo Dematteis, Mary Julie
April 14 – Sharon Butler, Mary Julie, Robin Metz, and Donna Sherwood
April 21 – Trish Anthony, Judy Barron, MaryJo DeMattais, Robin Metz, and Suzanne Sheahan
April 28 – Liguori Tewes
Psalm Study – ALL ARE INVITED!
All are warmly invited to join us at 10 a.m. in the Wye Parish library. All are welcome to one of many Monday morning study groups as we discuss the psalm for the coming week’s Sunday service. Other Sunday readings are often discussed as well.
Flowers for the Altar
If you would like to reserve a Sunday to give altar flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office for more details or to reserve a date.
Quick Reaction Force, Inc. (QRF)
QRF needs our support, through donation of items needed for disaster victims in shelters, and for equipment to aid in search and rescue on disaster sites. Boxes are available in both our churches. Please take a few moments to check out the QRF web site to learn more. See
Support Haven Ministries
Hello everyone,
First let me thank everyone who helped Haven Ministries last year and everyone who has signed up to help this year!!
The Shelter currently has 7 guests and will be closing 4/30, reopen in October of this year. Many thanks to all who supplied dinners to the shelter for this season: Mary Jo, Connie, Trish, Gerri, Rick , Karen, Reed and Cindy.
If you know of anyone in need, please contact Sandi Wiscott Director of Operations
(410-739-3577). All Haven Ministries services are for QAC residents only.
Thank you,
Mary Julie, Haven Ministries Board Member for Wye Parish
410-310-3577 or email [email protected]
Haven Ministries February Accomplishments
Haven Ministries food pantry – The food pantry and food truck together severed 1019 people in the month of March, the largest number ever. Target and Safeway have made very generous donations to the food pantry in March and continue to donate. Target 4,900 pounds of food and Safeway $27,000 worth of food. Each store has their own way of record keeping.
Every way you look at it……’s a blessing.
Our Dailey Thread continued to excel in sales being the constant income maker to Haven. (ODT accepts clothing, household goods and women’s/men’s accessories.)
Homes for Hope is currently housing 3 families, 4 adults and 11 children.