Word to the Wyes – April 2023


Maundy Thursday, April 6
St. Luke’s Chapel, Queenstown
7:00PM ~ Holy Communion
Good Friday, April 7
Noonday Prayers and Meditation
Old Wye Church, Wye Mills
Easter Day, April 9
8:00AM St. Luke’s Chapel ~ Holy Communion
10:00AM Old Wye Church ~ Holy Communion
11:15AM ~ Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt 
Please Join Us for an Easter Egg Hunt
at Old Wye Church
      on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023,
immediately following the 10:00 am service.
Families can meet Miss Bibi at the footbridge by
the creek for instructions and details.
Don’t forget to bring a basket or bag
to gather your eggs, yummy treats, and prizes!
                        Hope to see you there!

Children’s Corner
Join us this Sunday, Easter Day, April 9th for an Easter Egg Hunt at 11:15 am at Old Wye Church
Join us Sunday, April 16th at 10 am for Sunday School at Old Wye Church. Bring a friend! Miss Lauren, Miss Sarah, and Miss Bibi look forward to seeing children of all ages.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Miss Bibi at (410)570-2023 or send an email to [email protected].

The Beautiful Celtic Cross is Back!
Made from wood from the Old Wye Oak, the Old Wye Celtic Cross has stood in the field across the foot bridge since 2009. Although created as an outdoor cross, it was showing wear due to the affects of nature. We are grateful to Bob Wallace who spearheaded the project to have the cross restored and strengthened to better withstand the elements. It now stands again in the meadow as a majestic welcome to all who visit the Old Wye Church.

Bishop’s Institute Training
Thanks and congratulations to our Worship Leaders who participated in the Bishop’s Institute Training this spring to review the requirements and become recertified as worship leaders.
Lennie Anthony and Carol Bilek were recertified as:
Worship Leaders and Eucharistic Ministers.
Sharon Butler and Rick Culotta were recertified as
Worship Leaders, Eucharistic Ministers and Eucharistic Visitors
Please take a minute this Sunday to thank them for their service
to Wye Parish!

Introducing: Quick Reaction Force, Inc. (QRF)
QRF is a new 501C-3 nonprofit developed by Erik Peterson, USMC, Caroline Co. Sheriff’s Office (ret), and the son of members Jean & Bill Peterson.
QRF was created by Erik for volunteer first responders to assist victims of disasters in the Mid-Atlantic Region. They will ride into the areas affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, flood, fire and building collapse, or wherever needed. They will also be engaged in a local mission in concert with local law enforcement to respond to Silver Alerts, Amber Alerts, Autism walk-offs, Evidence Searches and locating missing children. In addition, a former narcotics officer on staff will present educational programs on the dangers of drugs in our communities.
Now in launch phase, QRF needs our support, through donation of items needed for disaster victims in shelters, and for equipment to aid in search and rescue on disaster sites. Boxes will be available in both our churches. Please take a few moments to check out the QRF web site to learn more.

The Offering Plate
We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.