Word to the Wyes 8/19/21
This week’s service
9 am in-person service of Morning Prayer
at Old Wye Church
Masks are encouraged.
A Collect for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Birthday blessings to Sharon Latta and Tilghman Hemsley. Anniversary blessings to Bill and Teresa Newman.
Warmest regards in Christ,
Reverend Charlie
Fall into Kerygma
The Kerygma course, Reading the Bible as a Whole, begins on Monday, September 13 at 10 am in the Wye Parish House and on Zoom. The fall course is a weekly discovery of the Old Testament beginning with Genesis and concluding with the Visions of the Messiah. For those who are new to Kerygma, the resource book is available this week at Parish House. I look forward to welcoming everyone to this vision of reading the scriptures together.
Old Wye Church Walking Tour
We have inaugurated the self-guided walking tour introducing guests and friends to the history and significance of Old Wye Church. You will notice there are 12 stops, each with an online descriptive recording.
Come in person or visit our new online virtual tour by clicking the link below.
The Offering Plate –
We thank you for your support of Wye Parish. Your ushers will leave the plate near the back of the church so that you may leave an offering as you enter or depart.
Or, you may always take advantage of our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time from the Wye Parish website. Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Our Daily Thread Thrift Store is Now Open at a NEW Location!!
Liz Bazzell led an army of volunteers to relocate the thrift store & open on August 5th!
Now located at
1521 Postal Road (formerly Sears)
Chester, MD
Stop in to see the transformation!!
Homes of Hope
Haven Ministries is pleased to show the progress of their ‘Homes of Hope’! The two homes, scheduled to be completed this fall, will offer a housing assistance program to support local residents as they transition into permanent housing.
Wye Parish Ministry Calendar
- Sun. August 22 – 9 am service at Old Wye Church
- Sun, August 29 – 9 am service at Old Wye Church
- Wed. September 1 – ECW Meeting, 10 am in the OW Parish Hall
- Sat. September 4 – Frampton-Coffelt wedding, 3 pm at Old Wye Church
- Sun. September 5 – All-Parish Outdoor Service. 9 am by the Celtic Cross
- Mon. September 6 – Labor Day, Parish Office Closed
- Sat. September 11 – Commission on Ministry Mtg, 9 am – OW Parish Hall
- Sun. September 12 – Return to 8 am service at St. Lukes & 10 am at OW
- Mon. September 13 – Kerygma, 10 am in the OW Parish House & Zoom
- Sun. September 19 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am at OW
- Mon. September 20 – Kerygma, 10 am in the OW Parish House & Zoom
- Mon. September 20 – Vestry Meeting, 7 pm in the OW Parish House
- Sun. September 26 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am at OW
- Mon. September 27 – Kerygma, 10 am in the OW Parish House & Zoom