Word to the Wyes 5/13/21
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
A Collect for the Seventh Sunday of Easter
O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
This Sunday, May 16
8 am in-person service of Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Chapel
10 am service of Morning Prayer – in-person and Facebook live – Old Wye
We ask members and guests attending in-person to please wear facemasks.
Birthday blessings to Savannah Scott, Kai Marchant and Jeanne Brower.
Warmest regards in Christ,
Reverend Charlie
Rejoice and Be Glad – Daily Reflections for Easter to Pentecost. Please pick one up as you leave the church or contact the Parish Office for a copy.
Discovering the Bible, one of the core courses in the Kerygma Study Program concludes on Monday, May 17th at 10 am. The Hope.
The Offering Plate –
As we gather more now for in-person worship, we still are not passing the offering plate. Your ushers will leave the plate near the back of the church so that you may leave an offering as you enter or depart.
Or, you may always take advantage of our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time from the Wye Parish website. Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Jackie Oren is our Volunteer of the Month!
Jackie has been volunteering at OUR DAILY THREAD Thrift Store since 2015 and is invaluable!
She has faithfully volunteered for (3) shifts a week for over (6) years and often recruits her sister, Bev to help. Jackie cheerfully greets and helps customers, sorts donations and helps with general store operations. She has a very welcoming personality and our customers love her! Thank you Jackie we are so blessed to have such a fun and dedicated volunteer!
Haven Ministries celebrates our Volunteers who give of themselves and support our mission doing great work to lead, inspire and provide HOPE.