Word to the Wyes 3/17/22
Happy St. Patrick’s Day March 17
Almighty God, in thy providence you chose your servant Patrick to be the apostle of the Irish people, to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of you: Grant us so to walk in that light that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life: through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.
This Sunday, March 20, 2022
8:00 am Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Chapel
10:00 am Morning Prayer – Old Wye Church
A service of Christian Burial with Holy Communion Saturday, March 19, 1 pm at Old Wye in memory of Rosemary A. Soldano.
Birthday blessings for Jeff Denton and Teresa Newman. Happy Anniversary to Jeff & Debbie Scott.
Grace and peace to you in this season of Lent. Pray for the Ukraine,
Reverend Charlie
Children’s Church Holy Communion Class
We Give Thanks is a course preparing children to receive Holy Communion with deeper understanding.
We Give Thanks is scheduled at 10 am the first Sundays of months leading to Easter 2022. Those Sundays are
April 3 – Communion Class
April 9 – Communion Class Retreat at The National Cathedral
April 14 – Maundy Thursday, First Communion
April 17 – Easter Sunday, Presentation/Recognition of Communion Class
Miss Bibi will contact parents to share details about the retreat and the Maundy Thursday service. It will be a very exciting spring for our children at Old Wye!
The Kerygma course, Reading the Bible as a Whole, continues on Monday, March 21th at 10 am in the Wye Parish Library. The winter/spring course is a weekly discovery of the New Testament beginning with The Good News and concluding with the Revelation of John. I look forward to welcoming everyone to this vision of reading the Scriptures together.
General Meeting – May Fair Celebration of our 300th Tuesday March 22nd
10:00 AM
Old Wye Parish Hall
We will be having a General Meeting for all volunteers, and anyone interested in knowing more about the upcoming May Fair Celebration of our 300th Anniversary. We have already confirmed a number of events and food venues and this Fair may be the largest we have ever had. So, let’s get together and celebrate our 300 years and come join the fun. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact: Linda Allen: 484-437-924
Mary Jo DeMatteis: 484-467-8466 /[email protected]
Rick Culotta: 410-829-3129/[email protected]
Tom Radcliffe: 410-758-7292/tradcliffe690@ comcast.net
Inquirer’s Course
A five-week introduction to the core beliefs and values at Wye Parish of worship, history, kerygma, ministry, and confirmation. This brief introduction to the Episcopal Church is a great way for anyone to be renewed and refreshed as a baptized member and witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hi Community Leaders,
Haven Ministries had a busy February at the food pantries.
165 residents of Queen Anne’s County received food. These folks fed their families: 514 total in households: 183 children, 275 adults, 56 seniors.
Food received included pastas, pork, deer meat, beef patties, chicken, hot dogs, canned meats, canned tuna, milk, cereal, tomatoes, jellies, pancake mix, assorted snacks, hygiene products etc.
A big thank you to ALL of our awesome staff and volunteers who assisted with the February Food Distribution with Haven Ministries!
If anyone is in need of food, please have them schedule an appointment at the Haven Ministries Headquarters in Queenstown or Haven Ministries Food Pantry Truck in Sudlersville.
Donations of non-perishable food are warmly accepted for the Haven Ministries Emergency Food Shelter. Food donation boxes are located at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church.
The Food Pantry at Haven Ministries is open for daily distribution.
Thanks! Have a great day!!
Haven Ministries Shelter
A special thank you to Cindy Nichols who is supplying dinners to the Haven Ministries Homeless Shelter in March and to Valerie Dryka who will provide dinners in April.
Please contact Mary Julie if you are interested in providing dinners or want more information before committing. Thank you very much!
Mary Julie, (c) 410-310-3577, [email protected]

We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Prayer for Annual Parish Stewardship
Accept, O Lord, these gifts which we bring to you, inspire and increase our gratitude for the presence of your Holy Spirit in our lives. We commit our church to your praise and honor, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be worshipped, and his ministry of compassion, healing and new life bring hope to all people. Amen.
Wye Parish Ministry Calendar
- Sun. Mar. 20 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am service at OW
- Mon. Mar. 21 – 10 am Kerygma in the OW Parish House
- Mon. Mar. 21 – 7 pm Vestry Meeting in the OW Parish Library
- Tues. Mar. 22 – 10 am May Fair General Meeting in the OW Parish Hall
- Wed. Mar. 23 – 8:30 am Transition Team
- Wed. Mar. 23 – 7 pm Choir rehearsal in the OW Parish House
- Sun. Mar. 27 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am service at OW
- Mon. Mar. 28 – 10 am Kerygma in the OW Parish Library
- Wed. Mar. 30 – 8:30 am Transition Team
- Wed. Mar. 30 – 7 pm Choir rehearsal in the OW Parish Hall
- Sun. Mar. 13 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am service at OW
- Mon. Apr. 4 – 10 am Kerygma in the OW Parish Library
- Wed. Apr. 6 – 8:30 am Transition Team
- Wed. Apr. 6 – 7 pm Choir rehearsal in the OW Parish Hall
- Thu. Apr. 7 – 7 pm Old Wye 300th Anniversary Committee