Word to the Wyes 2/24/22
This Sunday, February 27, 2022
8:00 am service of Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Chapel
10:00 am service of Morning Prayer – Old Wye Church
Children’s Church First Communion Class
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 1, 2022
5:30 pm to 7 pm at St. Luke’s Chapel Parish Hall.
The menu is pancakes – plain and blueberry – sausages and cinnamon applesauce, along with Columbian coffee and juice.
$10 for adults, $6 for children 6-11, children 5 and under free.
Invite your neighbors and friends to join us.
Ash Wednesday Services March 2, 2022
12 noon Community Service with the imposition of ashes
St. Luke’s Chapel, Queenstown
7 pm Ash Wednesday Liturgy with the imposition of ashes
Old Wye Church, Wye Mills
Birthday blessings for Barbara Bryan.
Warmest regards to all this Season of Epiphany,
Reverend Charlie
Children’s Church Holy Communion Class
We Give Thanks is a course preparing children to receive Holy Communion with deeper understanding.
We Give Thanks is scheduled at 10 am the first Sundays of months leading to Easter 2022. Those Sundays are
Feb. 27 – Communion Class (makeup class from January)
March 6 – Communion Class
April 3 – Communion Class
April 9 – Communion Class Retreat at The National Cathedral
April 14 – Maundy Thursday, First Communion
April 17 – Easter Sunday, Presentation/Recognition of Communion Class
Miss Bibi will contact parents to share details about the retreat and the Maundy Thursday service. It will be a very exciting spring for our children at Old Wye!
Bishop San has sent us a pastoral letter in advance of the Diocesan Convention. This letter provides information and teachings around the upcoming Diocesan Convention, the General Convention which will be held in Baltimore in July and the international Lambeth gathering of Bishops which is scheduled for late July through early August.
Winter/Spring Kerygma Fellowship
The Kerygma course, Reading the Bible as a Whole, continues on Monday, February 28th at 10 am in the Wye Parish Library. The winter/spring course is a weekly discovery of the New Testament beginning with The Good News and concluding with the Revelation of John. I look forward to welcoming everyone to this vision of reading the Scriptures together.
From the 300th Anniversary Committee
Due to the great efforts of Marie Wallace, we Parish have received a citation from the Governor of the State of Maryland which states:
Be it known that on behalf of the citizens of this state, in recognition of a joyful tribute to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Old Wye Church, St. Luke’s Wye Mills, Maryland, the oldest existing Anglican chapel in Talbot County, opened on St. Luke’s Day, October 18, 1721; and as our citizens commend the generations of the Parish for their vision, dedication and generosity towards preserving the Old Wye sharing with all who seek from these historic grounds the blessings of faith, hope and peace, we are pleased to confer upon you this Governor’s Citation given under my hand and the great seal of the State of Maryland this 18th day of October Two Thousand and twenty-one. It is signed by the Governor of Maryland, Lt. Governor of Maryland and Maryland’s Secretary of State.
The Offering Plate
We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Prayer for Annual Parish Stewardship
Accept, O Lord, these gifts which we bring to you, inspire and increase our gratitude for the presence of your Holy Spirit in our lives. We commit our church to your praise and honor, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be worshipped, and his ministry of compassion, healing and new life bring hope to all people. Amen.
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!
Yes! We are having an “Old Wye Mayfair 300th Anniversary Celebration”, on Saturday May 14th.
And- We need your help! So come join with the fun and fellowship, as we need many volunteers to chip in, for this once in a lifetime event. Please contact Mary Jo DeMatteis, just to let her know that you want to help: Call or leave a message at: 484-467-8466 or email: maryjodematteis@gmail. com
Special thanks to Tricia Anthony for volunteering to making February’s dinner .
There are 2 months left on the schedule. Please call Mary Julie to volunteer or for more information on volunteering to prepare a dinner. 410.310.3577
Special note: Haven Ministries served 165 people in January 2022 at the two Haven Ministries Food Pantry sites (Headquarters/ Queenstown and Food Pantry Truck/ Sudlersville).
The total number in households fed: 514 (183 children, 275 adults, 56 seniors).
Donations of non-perishable food are warmly accepted for the Haven Ministries Emergency Food Shelter. Food donation boxes are located at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church.
The Food Pantry at Haven Ministries is open for daily distribution.
Wye Parish Ministry Calendar
- Sun. Feb. 27 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am service at OW
- Sun. Feb. 27 – 10 am Children’s Church First Communion Class
- Mon. Feb. 28 – 10 am Kerygma in the OW Parish House
- Tues. Mar. 1 – 7 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at SL
- Wed. Mar. 2 – 12 noon Community Ash Wednesday Service at SL
- Wed. Mar 2 – 7 pm Ash Wednesday Service at OW
- Wed. Mar. 2 – 8 pm Choir rehearsal in the OW Parish House
- Sun. Mar. 6 – 8 am service at St. Luke’s & 10 am service at OW
- Mon. Mar 7 – 10 am Kerygma in the OW Parish House
- Wed. Mar. 9 – 10 am ECW Meeting in the OW Parish House
- Wed. Mar. 9 – 7 pm Choir rehearsal in the OW Parish House