Word to the Wyes 12-17-20

Bishop Santosh Marray, in consultation with Episcopal Bishops of Maryland, Delaware, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania, is instructing clergy and parishes to suspend in-person services on Advent 4 Sunday, December 20th. The Diocese has received further guidance on observance of in-person Christmas services. Scroll down to view our parish worship schedule for 2020.
The Collect for Parish Christmas Services
O God, who makest us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of thy only Son, Jesus Christ: Grant that as we joyfully receive him for our redeemer, so we may with sure confidence behold him, when he shall come to be our judge; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
This Sunday, December 20 – 10 am service – Facebook live.
Birthday wishes and prayers to Allen Butler and Rhonda Jewell.
Warmest regards for a Blessed Advent and a Joyful Christmas,
Reverend Charlie
You can look forward to a print version of the Word to the Wyes monthly newsletter which was mailed to our Wye Parish family today .

Christmas Eve at Wye Parish
December 24
St. Luke’s Chapel 4 to 5 pm
An in-person Christmas Blessing at the entrance to St. Luke’s.
 Persons will remain in their vehicles.
Please register in advance using the sign up genius link below.
Old Wye Church 7 to 8 pm
An in-person Christmas Blessing on the circle at Old Wye.
Persons will remain in their vehicles.
Please register in advance using the sign up genius link below
Old Wye Church 10 pm
Livestream on Facebook (only)
Lessons and Carols
Christmas Day
December 25
St. Luke’s Chapel 9 am
Holy Communion – Facebook live
First Sunday after Christmas
December 27
Old Wye Church 10 am
Holy Communion – Facebook live
Annual Christmas Offering
In the normal seasons of Christmas, end of year parish gifts
have been a significant source of income.
The Rector and Vestry are most grateful for these annual gifts.

  Christmas Poinsettia
Please use the attached form if you wish to donate Poinsettia for the Christmas services in memory or in honor of someone special.

Discovering the Bible, one of the core courses in the Kerygma Study Program meets on Monday, December 21st at 10 am. This week’s discovery in Savior is Born. You are warmly invited to join us for our readings of the birth of Christ. Contact Rev. Charlie for the Zoom link.

A Prayer for Annual Parish Giving 2020
Accept, O Lord, these gifts which we bring to you, inspire and increase our gratitude for the presence of your Holy Spirit in our lives. We commit our church to your praise and honor, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be worshipped, and his ministry of compassion, healing and new life bring hope to all people. Amen.
Annual Parish Stewardship letters have been mailed to all parish members and friends. If you would like to receive a letter, please contact us via email
Greetings everyone!
As I sat in church looking at the Advent wreath this Sunday, it dawned on me that we are celebrating the 300th Christmas at Old Wye Church this year! Remember, the church opened in October of 1721. Then, only two months later, it celebrated it’s first Christmas- well before it’s first anniversary.
Even though it’s not part of our 300th anniversary celebration, I felt it was important to bring light to this occasion. That’s why you will notice the 300th Christmas printed on the poinsettia order forms and in the Word to the Wyes.
This “mini logo” is part of, and derived from, the official logo of the 300th Anniversary which I am happy to report that we formally adopted at our last meeting, and here it is!
Unfortunately, the current Covid climate prevents us from celebrating this milestone Christmas in a way that is fitting of our congregation. However, like the warm light of our savior Jesus Christ, we still keep it in our hearts as we celebrate this most joyous season and blessed occasion.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tom Radcliffe
Chairman, 300th Anniversary Committee

Queen Anne’s Chorale is presenting their Christmas Concert
via Radio Broadcast on station
WCEI – 96.7 FM
Or listen on line at: http://player.listenlive.co/53011
Queen Anne’s Chorale will be aired on the following dates and times:

Saturday December 19 @ 7pm.

Sunday December 20 @ 4pm.

Merry Christmas to All!!!

Haven Ministries - Hope Through Shelter, Clothing & Food
Attention to all Homeless Shelter Volunteers – The Homeless shelter did not shut down this year and has remained open through the pandemic. Our guests have been housed in hotels and cared for by the Haven Ministries Staff. We are grateful for God’s grace, the Haven Ministries Staff and the many increased donations and grants to allow this to happen. However dinners are still being provided by volunteers from the various member churches. Providing dinners is easier than in the past, as you only need to drop the dinner off (usu. meat and veggie casserole) usually at 5:30 at the Kent Island United Methodist Church.  I thank Mary Jo DeMatteis who supplied dinner for December and Mary Julie who has volunteered for January 9th. I will announce the next dinner opportunity as soon as it is assigned and please contact me if you are interested. Thank you very much!