Word to the Wyes 10/22/20

Dear Parish Friends,

This Sunday, October 25 – 8 am in-person service of Holy Communion at St. Luke’s Chapel and 10 am in-person worship service at Old Wye Church. Our preacher this Sunday at both services is Susie Leight, seminarian in her middler year at Virginia Theological Seminary.

Birthday wishes and prayers to Laura Hemsley, Debbie Scott, Jack Latta, Trudy McGrane and Pat Miller.

Warmest regards in Christ, Reverend Charlie

Kerygma Returns - On Monday, October 5th Kerygma Has Returned

God Calls Leaders continues on Monday, October 26th 10am at the Wye Parish House and on Zoom.. This study shows how leaders are key to the history of God’s people in times of transition, crisis and renewal. This week Chapter 3 in the resource book.

  Feed a Family for Thanksgiving

Celebrate Thanksgiving this year by helping others. Provide a box of non-perishable items or donate grocery store gift cards so that food may be purchased. Cards with instructions should be obtained from Suzanne Sheahan.

    Operation Christmas Child

Celebrating 27 yearsover 168 million Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts have been delivered to children throughout the world. We are among this wave of Christian compassion during the Christmas season. Collection Sunday is November 15th.

Boxes will be available on Sundays at both services and from the Parish Office for the next few weeks.

    Christmas Market

A Christmas Market/ Books Café will be held at St. Luke’s Chapel in Queenstown beginning November 7th continuing every Saturday throughout November, 10 am to 2 pm each day.  This event, which will be held outdoors, weather permitting, will feature gift books, Christmas decorations, special items and a baked goods.  Plus – Serious readers can access the parish hall and browse the updated Books Café inventory.  Six people at a time will be allowed to shop in the parish hall.  (All doors and windows will be open and masks are required.)