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Calvary United Methodist Church 7113 Maryland Avenue, Queenstown, Maryland

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a great week of Bible learning, songs, laughter, snacks, friendships and the joy of the Lord with children.  Although co-hosted by several churches in the Queenstown area, all children of the community are invited to participate.  There is no cost to attend.  It’s a wonderful  summer event.


Parish Hall at Old Wye Church 14114 Old Wye Mills Road, Wye Mills, MD, United States

Gathering of AA Friends


Calvary United Methodist Church 7113 Maryland Avenue, Queenstown, Maryland

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a great week of Bible learning, songs, laughter, snacks, friendships and the joy of the Lord with children.  Although co-hosted by several churches in the Queenstown area, all children of the community are invited to participate.  There is no cost to attend.  It’s a wonderful  summer event.

Old Wye Church 9 am

Old Wye Church 14114 Old Wye Mills Road, Wye Mills, MD, United States

One All-Parish Service of Scriptures, Prayers and Communion.


Parish Hall at Old Wye Church 14114 Old Wye Mills Road, Wye Mills, MD, United States

Gathering of AA Friends

Old Wye 9 AM

Old Wye Church 14114 Old Wye Mills Road, Wye Mills, MD, United States

Service of Scriptures, Prayers and Communion


Parish Hall at Old Wye Church 14114 Old Wye Mills Road, Wye Mills, MD, United States

Gathering of AA Friends