Word to the Wyes 1-28-21
This Sunday, January 31
10 am service of Holy Communion – Facebook live – Old Wye
The Annual Meeting
Prayer for the Annual Meeting
Almighty God, who in thy great mercy has called us into the fellowship of thy Church and the service of thy kingdom: Hear us as we lift up our hearts to thee to seek thy blessing upon the annual meeting of Wye Parish. So guide and empower us by thy Holy Spirit that we may be enabled both to know and to do thy will; unite us in the love of Christ one towards another; and fill us with zeal to work together for the benefit of thy Church in this place, and for the advancement of thy kingdom throughout the world. We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen.
Birthday blessings to Jesse Goodman.
Warmest regards in Christ,
Reverend Charlie
10 AM Annual Communion, Holy Communion, Facebook live
Celebrant and Preacher: The Very Reverend Charlie Osberger
Reader: Susie Leight, Seminarian
Parish Organist: Richard Strattan
Altar Guild: Mary Campbell
Annual Meeting Zoom.us link
Presentations to a quorum of the Annual Meeting
Phoebe Gilbert elected by the current Vestry to fill a one year term
Parish elections to Vestry class 2021-23
Jamie Goodman
Don Regenhardt
Steve Gerber
Annual Report from the Treasurer
Jay Marchant
Building and Grounds Capital Maintenance Projects
Don Regenhardt
300th Anniversary Committee – Journey of the Wyes 1721-2021
Tom Radcliffe
Prayer of Dedication and Motion for adjournment
The Rector
Let us go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Thanks be to God. Alleluia!
Discovering the Bible, one of the core courses in the Kerygma Study Program continues on Monday, February 1st at 10 am. You are warmly invited in this new year to sample the Kerygma Program in person and online. Contact Rev. Charlie to be included in the link for Zoom. This week – The Crucifixion.
Haven Ministries
Attention to all Homeless Shelter Volunteers – Providing dinners is easier than in the past, as you only need to drop off the dinner (usu. meat and veggie casserole) at 5:30 at the Kent Island United Methodist Church. Thanks to Mary Julie, as she has volunteered for the next dinner opportunity for our Parish on Sunday February 14th. Please contact me if you are interested or want more information before committing. Thank you very much!
Rick Culotta / [email protected] / 410-829-3129.
Valentine’s Date Box
A Valentine’s Day Fund Raiser to benefit Haven Ministries
Order by Friday, February 5th
Pickup Saturday, February 13th
Dinners provided by
Humble Hearts
Catering & Events
Proceeds from these dinners will help provide essential services of shelter, food, clothing and support to our community members.