Word To The Wyes 11-19-20

Christmas Market this Saturday

For the next two Saturdays in November, weather permitting, we are offering a Christmas Market, in front of St. Luke’s Chapel, Queenstown, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Market will feature an exceptional collection of traditional Christmas decorations, plus baked goods, gift books, and other items suitable for holiday giving or enjoying.

The tables at the St. Luke’s Christmas Market will display a delightful and large assortment of ornaments, swags, wreaths, lights – decorations of all kinds and sizes. Also on offer will be bargain-priced gift-quality books, baked goods, and a few under-the-tree items. Donations for the bake sale will be gladly received.

This Sunday at Wye Parish

The Covenant for Regathering detailing the protocols and guidelines for in-person worship services, which includes the wearing of face masks, is required for all in-person gatherings at Wye Parish.

This Sunday, November 22 – 8 am in-person service of Holy Communion at St. Luke’s Chapel and 10 am in-person (and via Facebook) service of Holy Communion at Old Wye Church. Susie Leight, our seminarian, will be preaching at both services.

Available this Sunday is Living Well Through Advent 2020, a daily seasonal resource for practicing the spiritual themes of Advent published by The Living Compass.

Warmest regards in Christ, Reverend Charlie

A Prayer for Annual Parish Stewardship

Accept, O Lord, these gifts which we bring to you, inspire and increase our gratitude for the presence of your Holy Spirit in our lives.  We commit our church to your praise and honor, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be worshipped, and his ministry of compassion, healing and new life bring hope to all people. Amen.

   Next Sunday, November 29th

The 5th Sunday of the month, November 29 is the first Sunday of Advent. We will welcome, Bishop Santosh Marray for his annual visit to Wye Parish. Bishop San will be our celebrant and preacher at both services.

      God Calls Leaders

concludes on Monday, November 23rd 10am at the Wye Parish House and on Zoom. This week Chapter 7 in the resource book.

 Discovering the Bible
One of the core courses in the Kerygma program begins on December 7. This meeting will be an introductory session for anyone interested in learning more about the Kerygma program.

  Haven Ministries - Hope Through Shelter, Clothing & Food
Haven Ministries Homeless Shelter

Attention to all Homeless Shelter Volunteers – The Homeless shelter did not shut down this year and has remained open through the pandemic. Our guests have been housed in hotels and cared for by the Haven Ministries Staff. We are grateful for God’s grace, the Haven Ministries Staff and the many increased donations and grants to allow this to happen. However dinners are still being provided by volunteers from the various member churches. While Karen and I have been providing dinners for the Wye Parish rotation the past few months, I would now like to offer the opportunity to others within our parish, to provide dinners when scheduled. Providing dinners is easier than in the past, as you only need to drop the dinner off (usu. meat and veggie casserole) at 5:30 at the Kent Island United Methodist Church.  Thank you very much!

Haven Ministries Expands Housing Assistance Program 

Finding affordable housing in Queen Anne’s County can be challenging. The median rent in the county is approximately $1600 a month, $131 above the national average for rent, and the median home price is approximately $329,000, considerably higher than the national median home price of $231,200. Research from the National Low-Income Housing Coalition also reports that 71% of extremely low-income households spend more than 50% of their income on rent. Haven Ministries has announced that it will be providing improvements to properties in Stevensville this fall to operate a housing assistance program that will support local residents when affordable housing is unattainable.

While participating in the Housing Assistance Program, participants will work closely with a Haven Ministries case manager to ensure that they are positioned for success to secure safe and stable long-term housing once their respective program period is over, usually within two years. Individuals and families who live in Queen Anne’s County can apply for the program, must pass the background checks, pay a program fee, and voluntarily agree to work with a case manager. Haven Ministries will connect participants to area resources such as education, jobs, and job training allowing individuals and families to stabilize, build up their resources, and successfully move on toward safe and affordable housing. “We are thrilled to have found properties on which to build two beautiful, single family homes, one on each lot, within which to operate the Housing Assistance Program. The homes will be called Homes of Hope because that is what they are providing – HOPE. The project will provide significant improvements to the properties while also beautifying the neighborhood.

In addition, we will be able to connect people who are having difficulty finding affordable housing to the appropriate services and eventually to permanent housing solutions,” said Krista Pettit, Executive Director of Haven Ministries. Haven Ministries will continue to operate its seasonal shelter at Kent Island Methodist Church in Stevensville to offer emergency overnight safe and warm accommodations for individuals and families that do not have a dedicated location in which to sleep. Although both of these programs are important programs, they each serve a different population of community members with different needs. According to Pettit, housing instability can include trouble paying rent or a mortgage, moving frequently due to the lack of affordable housing, or spending a majority of household income on housing. Because Queen Anne’s county is lacking affordable housing, Haven Ministries is stepping up to meet the urgent needs facing many county residents.

Haven Ministries Housing Assistance Program is being funded by private donations and grants, including those from foundations made directly to Haven Ministries, and through major fundraising activities. A program fee will also be collected from the Housing Assistance Program clients approved for the program. There are many local businesses, which the organization plans to recognize soon, who have contributed supplies and/or labor, such as Lundberg Builders, Torchio Architects, Lane Engineering, and Increte. Haven Ministries also invites other companies to partner with them. Pettit added, “We appreciate the community stepping up and recognizing the need for affordable housing in this county, as well as supporting our Housing Assistance Program. We hope others will join those who have already made donations in support of this important program.”
For further information about donating or becoming a Business Partner of Haven Ministries, visit haven-ministries.org or call Krista Pettit at 410-739-4363.