Word to the Wyes 6/16/22
This Sunday, June 19, 2022
One All-Parish Service
9:00 am Morning Prayer – St. Luke’s Chapel
Collect for the Second Sunday after Pentecost
O Lord, make us have perpetual love and reverence for your holy Name, for you never fail to help and govern those whom you have set upon the sure foundation of your loving-kindness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
This Sunday we welcome Sharon Butler as our officiant and preacher. Rick Culotta will be the worship leader.
Sunday services in June will be held at St. Luke’s Chapel at 9 am.
Birthday Blessings to Jackie Oren. Anniversary Blessings to Warren & Liguori Tewes and Lowell & Barbara Perry.
Grace and peace to you in this season of Pentecost. Pray for Ukraine.
Vacation Bible School
Monday, July 25 through Friday, July 29
10 am to 12 Noon each day at
Calvary United Methodist Church
7113 Maryland Avenue
Queenstown, MD
VBS Celebration Sunday, 9 am, July 31st at Calvary UM Church
Message from a traveler
Dear Rev. Osberger,
Old Wye Church still is a ‘Chapel of Ease’ in that it offers a place of rest to weary travelers, passing by on their way to and from the seashore.
We pulled off the road yesterday for a break, came to rest in your parking lot, and managed a makeshift tailgate lunch, cobbled together from leftovers in our cooler.
Refreshed, we took a self-guided tour of the historic church and grounds. Of course, the eighteenth-century chapel is both an architectural and spiritual masterpiece. But it is the Celtic cross in the back of the property, near the cornfield, that is the more powerful spiritual force. Its singularity, proximity to the elements, weathered appearance, and steadfast endurance affirms the hope of every pilgrim. Just seeing it standing there, alone with only its natural surroundings for adornment, imparts strength, strength for all our journeys.
300th Anniversary Mug
Place your order now!! for the official salt-glazed 300th anniversary mug from the 300th Anniversary Committee. The first order of 20 mugs, which were available at the May Fair, has sold and a second order has been placed.
Call the parish office at 410-827-8484 or email [email protected] to place an order.
Reserve your mug now – Only $16 per mug.
An Invitation from Haven Ministries

Hi Community Partners,
Everyone is invited to the Haven Ministries – Open House of Homes of Hope/ Farewell Party to Krista Pettit on Thursday, June 23 from 4:30-6:30pm (328 and 330 Main Street, Stevensville).
Please share with others!
Let’s all celebrate together!!

Please direct people to call 410-827-7194 for an appointment prior to visiting.

We thank you for your support of Wye Parish.
You may always choose to donate using our online giving. Simply click on the plate to make an online offering for Wye Parish. This online giving feature also may be accessed any time by clicking the donate button at the top of this newsletter or from the Wye Parish website.
Thank you to all who have mailed their weekly or monthly offerings, bring their pledges to church on Sunday mornings and to those who are already using our online donation service.
Wye Parish Ministry Calendar
- Sun. Jun 19 – 9 am All-Parish Morning Prayer at St. Luke’s
- Mon Jun 20 – 7 pm Vestry Meeting at Old Wye Parish House
- Sun. Jun 26 – 9 am All-Parish Service at St. Luke’s
- Sun. Jul 3 – All-Parish Holy Communion at Old Wye
- Sun. Jul 10 – All Parish Morning Prayer at Old Wye
- Sun. Jul 17 – All-Parish Holy Communion at Old Wye
- Mon. Jul 18 – Vestry Meeting at Old Wye Parish House
- Sun. Jul 24 – All-Parish Morning Prayer at Old Wye
- Mon. Jul 25- Fri. Jul 29 – Vacation Bible School
- Sun. Jul 31 – 9 am VBS Celebration Sunday at Calvary UM Church
- Sun. Jul 31 – 9 am All-Parish Holy Communion at Old Wye