Word to the Wyes 11/5/20
Christmas Market this Saturday
Each of the four Saturdays in November, weather permitting, will see a new event, a Christmas Market, in front of St. Luke’s Chapel, Queenstown, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Market will feature an exceptional collection of traditional Christmas decorations, plus baked goods, gift books, and other items suitable for holiday giving or enjoying.
The tables at the St. Luke’s Christmas Market will display a delightful and large assortment of ornaments, swags, wreaths, lights – decorations of all kinds and sizes. Also on offer will be bargain-priced gift-quality books, baked goods, and a few under-the-tree items. Donations for the bake sale will be gladly received.
This Sunday, November 8 – 8 am in-person service of Holy Communion at St. Luke’s Chapel and 10 am in-person (and via Facebook) service of Holy Communion at Old Wye Church. We welcome the Reverend Charlie Barton this Sunday as our guest preacher and celebrant. The Covenant for Regathering detailing the protocols and guidelines for in-person worship services, which includes the wearing of face masks, is required.
Birthday wishes and prayers to Sharon Butler. Anniversary blessings to Michael and Teresa Hummel.
Warmest regards in Christ, Reverend Charlie
A Prayer for Annual Parish Stewardship
Accept, O Lord, these gifts which we bring to you, inspire and increase our gratitude for the presence of your Holy Spirit in our lives. We commit our church to your praise and honor, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be worshipped, and his ministry of compassion, healing and new life bring hope to all people. Amen.
Split Rail Fence at St. Luke’s Chapel
The split rail fence at St. Luke’s has been taken down due to significant deterioration. Rails and posts are piled in the yard on the Dudley Avenue side of the Chapel. While some of the rails are badly deteriorated, others, and some posts, are fit for reuse. Please help yourself if you can make use of them.
Kerygma Has Returned
God Calls Leaders continues on Monday, November 9th 10am at the Wye Parish House and on Zoom. This study shows how leaders are key to the history of God’s people in times of transition, crisis and renewal. This week Chapter 5 in the resource book.
Feed a Family for Thanksgiving
Celebrate Thanksgiving this year by helping others. Provide a box of non-perishable items or donate grocery store gift cards so that food may be purchased. Cards with instructions should be obtained from Suzanne Sheahan at 410-827-7627.
Operation Christmas Child
Celebrating 27 years – over 168 million Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts have been delivered to children throughout the world. We are among this wave of Christian compassion during the Christmas season. Boxes are available Sunday at both services. Filled boxes will be collected and dedicated next Sunday, November 15th.
Books Café and Christmas Market
Parish members are asked to donate baked goods of any kind (or preserves, pickles, etc.) for a Christmas Market/Books Café to be held at St.Luke’s beginning on November 7th continuing every Saturday throughout November, 10 am to 2 pm each day. Items can be dropped off at the Chapel on Friday before the sale day, each week. This event, which will be held outdoors, weather permitting, will also feature gift books, Christmas ornaments, and Christmas decoration.
Do you have items to fonate for the Christmas Market?
- Carol Bilek and MaryJo Demattais are in charge of Christmas decorations.
- The Books Café team will be organizing the gift books, setting up tables and readying the St. Luke’s Parish Hall for visitors (6 at a time). Team members are Mike and Carol Bilek, Jim and Mary Campbell, MaryJo Demattais, and Don Regenhardt.
New Parish Signs
New and better signs have been appearing at both St. Luke’s Chapel and Old Wye Church. These images show the new sign at St, Luke’s and one of several at Old Wye. We are fortunate that Bob and Marie Wallace bring years of experience and professional level skill in sign design to Wye Parish. Thanks Bob and Marie!