Word to the Wyes 10-15-20
A Collect for the St. Luke’s Day
Almighty God, who inspired your servant Luke the physician to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of your Son: Graciously continue in your Church this love and power to heal, to the praise and glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Dear Parish Friends,
This Sunday, October 18, the commemoration of St. Luke, there will be two celebrations of Holy Communion at 8 am and 10 am . The 10 am service is also being live-streamed on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/WyeParish/
Birthday wishes and prayers to Michael Anderson, Laura Johnston, Vianna Johnston and Janith Greaves.
Warmest regards in Christ, Reverend Charlie
Kerygma Returns – On Monday, October 19th, we continue a new study God Calls Leaders. Leadership begins with God’s initiative. God calls Leaders is a seven-week study prepared to show how leaders are key to the history of God’s people in times of transition, crisis and renewal. This Monday’s study focuses on The Judges – Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, Samuel, Saul and David. Join us in-person or online via Zoom. Resource books available.
Feed a Family for Thanksgiving – Celebrate Thanksgiving this year by helping others. Provide a box of non-perishable items or donate grocery store gift cards so that food may be purchased. Cards with instructions should be obtained from Suzanne Sheahan at 410-827-7627.
Operation Christmas Child – Celebrating 27 years – over 168 million Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts have been delivered to children throughout the world. We are among this wave of Christian compassion during the Christmas season. Collection Sunday is November 15th. Boxes will be available at both services this Sunday and from the Parish Office throughout the next few weeks.
Run for Shelter This Weekend – October 16-18 https://haven-ministries.org/events/run-4-shelter/
Haven Ministries will be hosting a Virtual Run 4 Shelter to benefit our Housing Programs including the Emergency Shelter and Food Pantries. This is an opportunity to get outdoors and run or walk by yourself, with family and friends or create a team and support our services!
A virtual run or walk is like a traditional run —friendly competition, t‑shirts, a finish line, and selfies! But, you pick the route and choose what time to participate during the weekend!
Registration is $25 for adults • $15 for youth and includes an event T-shirt and
Participant Badge to Download!
T-shirts will be available for pick up evenings October 12th – 15th from 5 – 7pm at Haven Ministries Headquarters:
206 Del Rhodes Avenue, Queenstown, MD 21658, 410-827-7194